Mirasoft Group Celebrates Its 17th Anniversary

Released on = September 27, 2006, 7:53 am

Press Release Author = Mirasoft Group

Industry = Software

Press Release Summary = On the 29th September Mirasoft Group, a leading Ukrainian
outsourcing software developing center, celebrates its 17th anniversary. For the
company, working in a young IT outsourcing industry, it is a quite a respective age
and Mirasoft Group reached it with a solid baggage of experience, skills, projects
and together with reliable partners.

Press Release Body = September is always associated with a definite life cycle
stage: seasons change, the vocation period is coming to an end and everybody takes
up job with fresh strengths. For Mirasoft Group September also means a lifecycle
milestone - in the end of this month the company celebrates its birthday. And
birthday is always the time to review what was done during the last year and to view
new challenges for the forthcoming one.

The Achievements of the Year

Mirasoft Group's 17th year past under the badge of development and achievements and
started with opening the representative in Vinnitsa, city in Ukraine. Now a new
office numbers already 11 professionals, and it is planned to be considerably
increased in the nearest future.

During the year the company successfully launched and completed many projects,
acquired new customers, strengthened the cooperation with the partners. Keeping on
to broaden the scope of tools and knowledge for products development and services
rendering, Mirasoft Group maintains the partnership with international IT
corporations. As a result this year the company became a member of the Sun Partner
Advantage Program and proved its status as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, along
with acquiring new MS qualifications. Besides, this year Mirasoft Group also entered
Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative - the Alliance of the leading Ukrainian IT and Offshore
Software Developing companies. It became a logical conclusion of the prior close
cooperation with the association.

Being certified and recognized by various membership programs as a software
developer and an IT services provider, Mirasoft Group also confirmed its status of a
professional outsourcer by becoming a Certified Member of the Offshore Outsourcing
Best Practice (OOBP) Association. The company attained this status by right - it is
one of the oldest IT outsourcing companies in Eastern Europe.

Gaining more and more recognition at the IT outsourcing market, Mirasoft changed its
image in Internet and appeared with a new corporate web-site, which bears absolutely
fresh looks and is informatively comprehensive. Having a profound experience in
software testing services, the company created and launched one more web-site -
testing lab resource, which provides integral picture of the company's testing
capabilities scale.

Besides, this year was also marked for the company by participation in Ukrainian
Outsourcing Forum in Kiev, Enterprise Management in Kiev and CeBIT in Hanover,
Germany, which brought along interesting contacts, new customers and partners.

Much was done for internal corporate culture development as well. Mirasoft
substantially improved the social package for its personnel, extended the system of
study, trainings and professional certifications.


To date Mirasoft Group is a stable and constantly developing corporation, which for
a long period of time retains its position as a highly professional outsourcer with
a solid experience in software developing and IT services providing. The company's
background numbers more than a hundred successfully executed projects, and geography
of cooperation is scattered over Europe and America.

Mirasoft Group looks in future optimistically. The company is able to meet new
challenges with dignity, while it has the team of energetic creative and talented
people, who make the IT happen.

Mirasfot Group � 2006. All rights reserved.

Web Site = http://www.mirasoft-group.com

Contact Details = 40, Acad. Glushkov Ave., 03187 Kiev, Ukraine

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